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22.02.2011 Sneak preview on SILVA release 106

Exponential growth can be fascinating: Lots of new sequences - over 2 million SSUs and LSUs now! Release of SILVA 106 is expected for mid March 2011.

12.02.2011 New SSU Ref NR 104 released!

We have updated the non-redundant (NR) version of the SILVA SSU Ref dataset based on the SILVA 104 release. It still contains "only" 290,603 sequence entries including the HSM project ...

01.02.2011 MIENS standard renamed to MIMARKS

The contextual (meta)data standard MIENS, issued by the Genomic Standards Consortium, has been renamed to MIMARKS (Minimum Information about a MARKer gene Sequence). The new name was created to better reflect the purpose of the standard.

01.02.2011 ARB memory requirements for SILVA datasets updated

Please check our updated ARB/SILVA memory requirements table to get an idea which dataset can be handled by your computer.[more]