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11.12.2023 11:44 Age: 1 year

SILVA named Global Core Biodata Resource (GCBR)

SILVA is one of fifteen biodata resources worldwide that have been selected in the Global Biodata Coalition's 2023 selection round for Global Core Biodata Resources (GCBRs), increasing the total number of GCBRs to 52. SILVA joins its DSMZ sister databases BacDive and BRENDA (both selected in 2022) as well as LPSN (2023) as GCBR.


This award would not have been possible without our loyal users and helpful colleagues. We would therefore like to take this opportunity to say thank you!

Thank you to

  • you, our loyal users for your support, helpful discussions and critique through the last seventeen years!
  • Dr Wolfgang Ludwig, Ralf Westram and all former members of the ARB team for the curated data sets on which SILVA was originally built and for the development of the Opens external link in new windowARB software that is still used by SILVA today!
  • Prof. Dr. Frank Oliver Glöckner our founder, former PI, and now advisor!
  • the founding developers Dr. Christian Quast and Dr. Elmar Prüße as well as all former team members!
  • our colleagues from the Opens external link in new windowRibocon GmbH for their support, advices discussions as well as the support for our commercial customers!
  • Pablo Yarza (now founder of Opens external link in new windowBIOINFILE SL) for curating the SILVA taxonomy and providing user support regarding taxonomic questions over the last years!
  • our previous hosting institutions, the Opens external link in new windowMax Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology and the Opens external link in new windowConstructor University (formerly Jacobs University Bremen) for providing a home for SILVA over sixteen years!
  • the Opens external link in new windowLeibniz Institute Opens external link in new windowDSMZ - German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbH and Opens external link in new windowLeibniz Association for providing a new home for SILVA and, most importantly, permanent funding (via the DSMZ Digital Diversity platform)!
  • all members of the Opens external link in new windowDSMZ Digital Diversity teams for welcoming us at the DSMZ, their support during the migration of SILVA and its services to the DSMZ infrastructure, and their enthusiasm to build the Opens external link in new windowDSMZ Digital Diversity platform together in the next years!
  • a group that is often forgotten in science: the IT teams of the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, the Constructor University, and the DSMZ! Without your help we would not have been able to create, provide, and run SILVA!

Thank you all so much! Last but not least, congratulations to the fourteen other resources selected this year!
The SILVA team

