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Jan Gerken

A computer scientist who is the lead developer and team leader of SILVA, SILVAngs as well as the EukMap web application developed within the Opens external link in new windowUniEuk project.

Martinique Frentrup

A molecular biologist who is part of our curation team. Her main focus are the metadata curation as well as the curation of our alignment seed.

Robin Goldmann

A bioinformatician responsible for the development of the SILVA pipelines for the SILVA releases and website jobs as well as SILVAngs.

Yeliz Sandikci

A computer scientist responsible for the backends of all SILVA web applications as well as the EukMap web application developed within the Opens external link in new windowUniEuk project.

Former members

  • Alan Beccati
  • Alireza Rezaei Mahdiraji
  • Andreea Ciuprina
  • Christian Quast
  • Elmar Prüße
  • Gerrit Bruns
  • Karin Dietrich
  • Markus Klimmek
  • Pelin Yilmaz
  • Timmy Schweer

Former students

  • Arne Böckmann
  • David Leinhäuser
  • Irena Kuzmanovska
  • Kim Philipp Jablonski
  • Ralph Florent
  • Razvan Panea


Frank Oliver Glöckner

Frank Oliver had worked with ARB since he started his career in microbiology at the Technical University Munich 25 years ago. Inspired by Wolfgang Ludwig's vision to create a software that brings together biologists and computer scientists in the field of sequence analysis and phylogeny to serve the community, he initiated the SILVA project in 2005.


Jörg Peplies

A trained biologist with a focus on technology development for diagnostic microarrays to identify microorganisms. He spend already many years in working with ARB at the MPI in Bremen. He is now the CTO of the company Opens external link in new windowRibocon and provides his expertise in alignments, data curation and phylogeny for the project.

Pablo Yarza

A molecular biologist with ample experience in taxonomy data management and phylogenetic analysis. Active SILVA collaborator since 2008 and staff at Opens external link in new windowRibocon from 2012 to 2023. Since 2023, founder of Opens external link in new windowBIOINFILE SL. His interests are data curation, data integration and quality management, seeking for efficient networking and sustainable information infrastructures.

The ARB development Team in Munich

Many thanks to Wolfgang Ludwig, Ralf Westram and Oliver Strunk for decades of expertise in ARB phylogeny and databases. The SILVA project could have never been realised without the long-standing support in software development and database curation by the Munich Team.