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News Archive

19.12.2018 Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

The SILVA Team wishes you a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. Many thanks for your support in helping us to improve SILVA and SILVAngs. Looking forward to see you again in 2019.

21.11.2018 The 14th de.NBI Quaterly Newsletter published

Content: de.NBI Industrial Forum - New de.NBI Website - de.NBI arcticle on Wikipedia - de.NBI/ GFBio Summer School 2018 and much more.

29.10.2018 UNITE database paper published in NAR!

UNITE ( is a web-based database and sequence management environment for the molecular identification of fungi. It targets the formal fungal barcode—the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region—and offers all 1 000 000 public fungal ITS sequences for reference.

16.10.2018 WASABI - SILVA's spicy new feature

Interactively inspect the alignment and tree of your SILVA ACT results using WASABI. You can access WASABI though a new button in the SILVA Job Manager.

05.09.2018 de.NBI/GFBio Summer School on Data Management

The Ger­man Fed­er­a­tion for Bio­lo­gical Data (GFBio) and the Ger­man Net­work for Bioin­form­at­ics In­fra­struc­ture (de.NBI) are for the first time pro­mot­ing a joint sum­mer school to sup­port re­search­ers in man­aging their sci­entific data. 18 young sci­ent­ists met at the Braun­sch­weig Centre for Sys­tems Bio­logy. "Rid­ing the Data Life Cycle" is the title of the sum­mer school and...[more]

08.08.2018 The 13th de.NBI Quaterly Newsletter published

Main Topics: - SILVA and BRENDA are now ELIXIR Core Data Resources - ELIXIR All Hands meeting - ELIXIR Innovation and SME Forum

25.06.2018 SILVA is now an ELIXIR Core Data Resource

SILVA, operated by ELIXIR Germany, has today joined the list of ELIXIR Core Data Resources critically important for life science research. The ELIXIR Core Data Resources serve as a mark of the highest quality in biological data provision and stewardship and play a fundamental role in the long-term preservation of life science data.

05.06.2018 The "All Species Living Tree" version 132 released

The new version of the "All Species Living Tree" based on SILVA release 132 has been released.

22.05.2018 The 12th de.NBI Quaterly Newsletter published

Main topics: de.NBI image film at - Launch of - Training by associated partners in Kiel - de.NBI @ conferences

11.05.2018 SILVA ACT Tool released

The new SILVA ACT service combines alignment, search and classify as well as reconstruction of trees in a single web application.

Displaying results 31 to 40 out of 286